
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Color Magic Classes

The first class was making 3 different cards using the color magic papers. I was most successful with template #2. Heidi's example is on the left, and the other two are my variations:

Of course the piece de resistance was the template for a magic memory folder with a great "mini book" insert:


And this is the sweet spot of scrapping - when the intended audience loves the "album" and wants to know if thre is going to be room for his new TKD pictures.


Hopefully I will get some samples of Class#3 - Color Magic Pages - complete and up soon. An awesome way to end the summer.

Color Magic Live Class and Last week of summer

Summer at an end?
But not without a scrapbooking bang...
I was fortunate enough to get into Heidi Swapp's online class and it was so informative and inspiring that I could almost burst with excitement. The classmates were so kind and inviting as well. This I know from my new addiction to Instagram and hash tags 😜! I will put the pics up later today. (have to change to the stationary device)