This coil bound heavy duty calendar with prompt pages and pocket pages has been a perfect fit for my scrapbooking needs this year. I did start looking for themes to follow for #onelittlethingeveryday prompts and photo focus, but decided this memory planner was for me and could focus on notes and photos that I adore.
Now the photo heavy section so you can see how I've enjoyed this memory keeping tool.
Cover and interior title page:
January is when I tried the theme of family:
February of course is all about the love:
And June:
And finally brilliant July:
August will be about the places we go camping and a new school to teach at.
For more information and a quick video check out Heidi Swapp's website. There are many great samples on Instagram at #hsmemoryplanner and #memoryplanner.
Enjoy August and the rest of the year.